7 years, 11 months ago.

Is there any way to use MBED OS on STM32F105

I read about mbed os it was interesting and easy to use.

I wonder is there any way to use mbed os on my custom MCU board based on STM32F105RCT6. I can change the circuit to suit MBED OS

waiting for reply

Thanks in advance

1 Answer

7 years, 11 months ago.

Hi Joshin,

Thanks for your question, so currently this board is not a support mbed platform for mbed OS.

However what i can say is that there will be a porting guide soon to allow yourself to create this platform to use mbed OS.

For now the best option is to look at the GitHub Repository for mbed OS and examine the closest target platform to yours, in this case the STM32F103. So from here you would need to alter memory map information and pin maps and you may be able to come close to get it all working :D


Best Regards,

Andrea, team mbed