7 years, 11 months ago.

CryptoAuth 508a

Dear People

Has anyone got Win 10 x64 with Atmel Studio 7 working on CryptoAuth example for the 508a hardware?


I can build but not access the TARGET USB. It does not show up as a device on Windows to connect with as a terminal.

This means the commands cannot be issued to the program.

The debug USB just shows debug info as garbage in ASCII with a terminal open on it. This is expected it's live debug info. I think, I have been wrong before! LOADS.

The TARGET USB should i think show as a access point for commands/responses.

Can anyone point me to a solution?

Do i have to step back to Windows 8.1 / 8 / 7 to get a working development IDE that supports the D21 fully as designed?

Bit banging my head of the wall.


Also related to your other question, this might get resolved faster on the Atmel forums.

posted by Jan Jongboom 04 Oct 2016
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