8 years, 5 months ago.

mbed vs. arduino

I am an Arduino refugee. I have decided to jump ship and try mbed again. I working on Bluetooth LE ibeacon. The IDE that is needed is a pain. It is the com ports on Linux. I am hoping that mbed will be a little lighter on ports using Linux.

I am not looking to the compiler go "poof" and run perfectly. Hell I like looking for bugs, but Arduino com ports for Linux is readley bad. Don't get me wrong, when it does work it works good but the percnteges of working is slim. And it seess just Linux.

I see that Seeed, and and other 3rd party boards are used here. I am curious about the compiler used here works with Linux (unbuntu). And I would like some feed back about linux and the compiler here period.

As you see I am very dismayed. . But thats not topic. Well I am here and I hope to be around a long ime.


1 Answer

8 years, 5 months ago.

Did you find: https://docs.mbed.com/?

You got three options: The online compiler, CLI or an offline compiler. Online one has its downsides (little settings for a user, responsiveness is never as good as an offline one), however it does work, and you have a very good compiler for free.

For offline one, try exporting a HelloWorld (or other) program for your device. It will show which toolchains are supported, and you can check which ones work under Linux. (GCC at least I suppose).