8 years, 3 months ago.

changing the advertisement packet of ibeacon to include scanned uuid/mac address and rssi value

Hi ,

I have 2 nrf51 dongle compiled with a code which can scan and advertise ibeacon constantly. Whenever receive advertisement packet from each other , they are able to print out the uuid,major,minor and rssi value of the received packets.

My next task is to advertise out the scanned Rssi and the mac address/uuid of that scanned device. Example, dongle A receive advertisement packet from dongle B , dongleA will then advertise out an advertisement packet that consist of information of the dongleB's Mac address/uuid and the measured Rssi value. Any way i can change the advertisement packet in (mbed coding) to achieve this or any other advice?

Below pictures is my code, can you help on this ? Thank you.

/media/uploads/jinchau92/1.png /media/uploads/jinchau92/2.png /media/uploads/jinchau92/3.png /media/uploads/jinchau92/4.png

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