11 years, 12 months ago.

XML or POST Data to HTTP Server

Hi, I've been looking at various threads on the forum and tried various code to see how to achieve sending xml(not requesting via GET) or an http POST to an HTTPserver running on my mbed. I can see RPC http switching on switches but not handling form data.

The goal is a pretty simple one where I can have a form on the mbed that we can use to setup the devices IP address and a serial Ports config. And finally send some data to the mbed to parse the same data but as an xml script from another client.(ie a remote config script created and sent to the device).

Parsing the xml shouldnt be a problem but getting the server to wait for and accept xml or POST data is the problem.

Any assistance is very very much appreciated.


Hello. Do you find a solution to share?

posted by Felícito Manzano 08 Dec 2016
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