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8 years, 3 months ago.
after repower program is not loaded
Everey day when I start to work with the LPC4088 I need a while to flash the first program. When I have succeeded once, it runs nicely as long as I do not disconnect the device from USB. Initially, I have to press the user button while disconnecting and connecting the device and loading a bin file onto it. Then in some cases, upon releasing the user button it runs immediately, in other cases I have to repeat this sequence a few times. Some times, starting \muVison from Keil helps, in other cases Keil shows an Jtag/SWD error. Does anybody has an idea? roy7654
Update: In the meantime I have a solution: When I start working with the device, I have to press the user button the first time I power it. This must be done as well for the first program loaded onto the device. In most cases this works. Sometimes I have to load the program again without holding down the user button. After that, I can work the whole day without pressing the user button.
posted by Rudibert King 09 Oct 2016