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8 years, 5 months ago.
Teraterm - not sure if connected.
I'm trying to figure out why I don't see the output from my FRDM-KL46Z dev board in Teraterm.
Installed the latest serial driver and updated the firmware of my dev board. Successfully uploaded a few demo programs to my dev board - they work as expected. Under the Portable Devices in Device Manager I can see MBED listed. I use correct settings for Com communication but when I connect the screen is blank with no activity.
1 Answer
8 years, 5 months ago.
Hi Elias,
Apologies for the issues you are having. I'll try to help :)
This could be a number of issues including:
1) Bad USB cable 2) Need to connect to SDA USB on the KL46Z 3) Need to correctly set Baud Rate
There are some good suggestions here that you could try. It may be useful to try another PC, cable or terminal program.
Andrea, team mbed
Hi Andrea,
thanks for a response. I made sure all of the things you mentioned are done right and they are but still the same thing.
I'm using this code btw:
- include "mbed.h"
Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
int main() { pc.printf("Hello World!\n\r"); while(1); }
The strange thing is that the old firmware worked but not the new one.
posted by 19 Sep 2016P.S.
Here is what I did to test it again. I have to firmware versions for some reason they are not the same even though I followed official instructions and ended up downloading them from different websites. Both websites claim that these are the latest.
1. MSD-FRDM-KL46Z48M_Pemicro_v113.SDA (The one that works) I also wonder why it says 48M at the end of the file since my board's full name is FRDM-KL46Z and FRDM-KL46Z48M was the closest choice in the archive.
2. 20140530_k20dx128_kl46z_if_opensda (The one that doesn't)
The second one really looks like the latest. The first one works because I can select OpenSDA in TeraTerm besides Com1 option. The second one offers only Com1 as an option. I guess there is something missing...
posted by 20 Sep 2016