9 years ago.

How to read Analog Channels in for..next loop?


I am new to mbed..

I assigned pins to analog inputs as below

AnalogIn ms1(PA_1);         
AnalogIn ms2(PA_4);        
AnalogIn ms3(PA_6);        
AnalogIn ms4(PA_7);

Now i want to read them in a for next loop assignig each channel output into an array such as analogMeasurement[4]

For one analogical channel it is easy to read and get the value. But for, for example, 10 channles how could be possible to read in a loop?


2 Answers

9 years ago.

In that case, simply:


AnalogIn ain[] = {PA_1, PA_4, PA_6, PA_7};

float result[4];

for (int i=0; i<4; i++){
result[i] = ain[i].read();

Accepted Answer

Thank you... This is what i wish for and expected...

posted by Kamil M 20 Apr 2015
9 years ago.

Do you practice programming ?

If yes, what languace do you usually use ? if no, it would be better searching on the internet some courses or howtos about C language...

this one could works...

AnalogIn ms1(PA_1);         
AnalogIn ms2(PA_4);        
AnalogIn ms3(PA_6);        
AnalogIn ms4(PA_7);

float analogMeasurement[4];

  printf("\n values are 1 : %1.03f 2 : %1.03f 3 : %1.03f 4 : %1.03f", analogMeasurement[0], analogMeasurement[1],  analogMeasurement[2], analogMeasurement[3]);

therefore is you need more values, with more AnalogIn you can use arrays with an for loop to read the values... so with 4 AnalogIn as upper :

Analogin ms[4];

AnalogIn ms1(PA_1);         
AnalogIn ms2(PA_4);        
AnalogIn ms3(PA_6);        
AnalogIn ms4(PA_7);
float analogMeasurement[4];


  int i;
    for (i=0; i<4; i++)
       analogMeasurement[i] = ms[i].read();     //store values using arrays
    printf("\n values are : "); 
    for (i=0; i<4; i++)
       printf(" %d : %1.03f", i+1, analogMeasurement[i]);

Hop it can helps you

The answer you send is not related to my question... I want to make myself little bit clear... Below code may be wrong but I want to do similar like that:

//string analogpin[4] = {PA_1,PA_4,PA_6,PA_7};
string analogname[4] = {ms1,ms2,ms3,ms4};
float analogread[4];

int main () {

AnalogIn ms1(PA_1);         
AnalogIn ms2(PA_4);        
AnalogIn ms3(PA_6);        
AnalogIn ms4(PA_7);

for (int i=0; i<4; i++){
analogread[i] = analogname[i].read();

I meant something like that...

Thanks for support..

posted by Kamil M 20 Apr 2015

I tried array version but no hope i think....There are also compiler erros in your second example...

posted by Kamil M 20 Apr 2015

some errors in fact with the second source. But Erik gives a better answer.

Therefore, I publish my corrected source

// same line that the previous source posted
// just corrected with pointers

Analogin *ms[4];   // an array of pointer of 4 AnalogIn ref.

  int i;
    for (i=0; i<4; i++)
       analogMeasurement[i] = ms[i]->read();     //store values using arrays
    printf("\n values are : "); 
    for (i=0; i<4; i++)
       printf(" %d : %1.03f", i+1, analogMeasurement[i]);

posted by Raph Francois 20 Apr 2015