8 years, 4 months ago.

Getting too many compile errors after updating NRF and MBED libraries

On the BLE_LED project, I updated the libraries to their latest versions and the project failed to compile.

I got the following errors:

Error: Identifier "nrf_app_irq_priority_t" is undefined in "nRF51822/nrf51-sdk/source/nordic_sdk/components/ble/ble_radio_notification/ble_radio_notification.h", Line: 60, Col: 39 Error: Identifier "nrf_radio_notification_distance_t" is undefined in "nRF51822/nrf51-sdk/source/nordic_sdk/components/ble/ble_radio_notification/ble_radio_notification.h", Line: 61, Col: 39 Error: Identifier "nrf_app_irq_priority_t" is undefined in "nRF51822/nrf51-sdk/source/nordic_sdk/components/ble/ble_radio_notification/ble_radio_notification.c", Line: 51, Col: 39 Error: Identifier "nrf_radio_notification_distance_t" is undefined in "nRF51822/nrf51-sdk/source/nordic_sdk/components/ble/ble_radio_notification/ble_radio_notification.c", Line: 52, Col: 39

I have no idea why this would happen.


Thanks for your question.

I have tried to replicate your problem but have been unsuccessful to do so.

When you import:


Have you selected "Update all libraries to latest revision"?

Please try delete your current program and try again.

Let me know how you get on.


Andrea, team mbed

posted by Andrea Corrado 18 Aug 2016

Looked this up https://developer.mbed.org/questions/73418/BLE_LoopbackUART-Project-unbuildable-wit/

Fixed the issue after updating all libraries and modifying the concerned line causing errors.

posted by Abhijit Bera 19 Aug 2016
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