7 years, 11 months ago.

SDFileSystem problem

I see this problem with compilation.


2 Answers

7 years, 11 months ago.


Can you list your target board and share your code to this problem so we can help.



The board is NUCLEO-F103RB Code is present on https://developer.mbed.org/users/PawelWasik/code/Nucleo_SD_logger/

posted by Pawel Wasik 09 Aug 2016


Could you please try roll back your mbed library to revision "121:6c34061".



posted by Andrea Corrado 09 Aug 2016

I did this but I have received another problems

posted by Pawel Wasik 09 Aug 2016


posted by Andrea Corrado 09 Aug 2016
7 years, 11 months ago.

Hey Pawel,

The problem you are having is that they changed the property _name from protected to private in a base class (FileLike) of FATFileSystem, in FATFileSystem.cpp instead of using the getter method it was accessed directly, so just changing _name to getName() on lines 52 and 70 will fix the issue.

It seems to be fixed in the mbed-os github repository but not pushed to the mbed site library,

I do not know why but now compiler works OK without suggestion to change. I check phisically how my program works. Thanks for support. Would be better if someone or author of this library update this code.

posted by Pawel Wasik 09 Aug 2016

If you rolled back to mbed 121 that reverts the change they made that broke it, It's an official mbed library, unfortunately they don't seem to keep them in sink with mbed changes. I sent a pull request from my fixed library hoping they would synchronise with git, but I'm not sure anyone monitors them.

posted by Chris Pepper 09 Aug 2016