8 years, 7 months ago.

I2C VERY low frequency on SDA

Hello everyone,

I just got my NUCLEOF103RD and started to program today. I was able to use the general I/Os both with mbed and Keil MDK 5 and also got the USART to work in both environments, I am trying to get I2C to work.

The strange thing is, that the SCL pin is running normal frequency, the SDA Pin is running slower than 1Hz!

It is ridiculous really.

I have flashed the i2c_master example from ST as well as trying to use HAL directly and just sending 0x68 over the bus. I does not matter what I do, the frequency is always really low.

I am using 4k7 Pullups and a Rigol Oscilloscope.

I have tried, what I think, is everything.

Thanks in advance


I solved it, and I feel very stupid. I am used to working with "dumb" 8bit ATMegas. There you can give the SDA and SCL line a pullup, or you don't, and still measure the correct clock/data. Apparently the STM is more intelligent. Also maybe more intelligent then me...

I only connected one Pullup and, as far as I can tell, the STM noticed that the SCL Pin would not go HIGH. It tried to synchronize and eventually hit a timeout. That is very, very long as it seems.

So... I was just being stupid...

posted by Christoph Deussen 09 Aug 2016
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