8 years, 5 months ago.

K64F uart4 stopped by ethernet

I have a program that uses two serial ports and ethernet for comms. I just updated to the latest version of EthernetInterface (rev 56), and find uart4 no longer works (uart3 is still fine). My code (below) works fine but when I remove the comments round eth.init() pin PTC17 just stays high. Does the latest ethernet library use these pins? How can I safely get back to a working version of uart4? - Thanks

  1. include "mbed.h"
  2. include "EthernetInterface.h"
  3. include "BufferedSerial.h"

BufferedSerial VectorNav(PTE24,PTE25); UART3 BufferedSerial ServoControl(PTC17,PTC16); UART4

Serial PC(USBTX, USBRX); EthernetInterface eth;

void init() { VectorNav.baud(19200); ServoControl.baud(19200); PC.baud(115200);

/* if (eth.init("","255,255,255,0","")== 0) Use fixed IP address PC.printf("eth.init OK..."); else PC.printf("eth.init failed..."); */ }

int main()

{ init(); while (true) { VectorNav.putc(85); "A" ServoControl.putc(85); } }

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