7 years, 11 months ago.

Nucleo F-103RB CAN

Hello mbed-users,

I have a problem with the CAN on the Nucleo F-103RB. A half year ago, I wrote a program with a functioning CAN communication. Now I need a second board with the same program. So I compiled (Compile All) this programm. But I get a lot of errors displayed that involved the CAN. After some research I found out, that the CAN.h is now integrated in the mbed.h. Then I disable the CAN.h and the Compiling worked without error. But the CAN doesn't works ! Does anyone have the same problem or a solution ?

3 Answers

7 years, 11 months ago.

I have exactly same issue. I use Mbed online tool. I think that when I try to switch revision to my original 111 revision it does not change it.

Accepted Answer

Thanks for you information ! My "old" program still works after the switching to the 111 revision.

Best regards Jürgen

posted by Jürgen Wilk 01 Aug 2016
7 years, 11 months ago.

Switch mbed library to revision 120 and use your previous CAN library

7 years, 11 months ago.

It seems that the CAN support for ST boards built into the mbed library does not work with the NUCLEO-F103RB yet. (I'm not able to test the other NUCLEO boards.) Until it's fixed (by ST or mbed team) I have reverted the CANnucleo_Hello demo to use again my CANnucleo library and the mbed library rev. 120. So when you are asked by the on-line compiler during download please do not update the libraries to the latest revision. Also notice that to avoid collision with the built in CAN the program includes now "CANnucleo.h" instead of "CAN.h". I have tested the demo only with NUCLEO-F103RB and STM32F103C8T6 boards.

Thanks Zoltan for your updated CANnucleo demo. With it I got my source code compiled!

posted by Ismo Paavola 02 Aug 2016