8 years, 4 months ago.

Mbed connect to Mysql


I would like to do some experiment with connecting a LCP1768 to mySQL.

I for the following errors: 2 error during connection

I have tried googling a solution and found this link: https://developer.mbed.org/forum/mbed/topic/2211/

It says it is something with user privileges on mysql server, but I'm almost 100% sure I have mastered them. I have tested my mysql user from another PC, and here it works fine. I also set user host to% on mysql server.

I've also tried to correct user name and password to something wrong and it does fail.

I'm not so good at English so have used google translate, sorry.

Were you able to resolve this? I have been getting error 2 (protocol error) as well, and believe that my permissions are correct. Thanks.

posted by Eric Sims 02 Jan 2017

Hi Eric No, I have not found a solution yet.

posted by Peter Hansen 02 Jan 2017
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