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9 years, 7 months ago.
Problem with MCP3551 and PT100
HI I have a problem with read ADC from MCP3551. MCP is using SPI. I want to use MCP3551 and pt100 to read temperature.
I can't read right values from MCP3551.
Devices is good, because I checked in Atmel Studio
This is my C -code.
include the mbed library with this snippet
#include "mbed.h" unsigned char dd_zmien_kolejnosc_bitow(char a); uint8_t LsbMsb( uint8_t data); uint8_t REVERSE_BITS(uint8_t a); SPI spi(NC, D12, D13); // mosi(out), miso(in), sclk(clock) DigitalOut cs(D8); // cs (the chip select signal) Timer timer; Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); // tx, rx ( the usb serial communication ) uint8_t aByte[4],rByte[4],oByte[4]; bool OVH, OVL, rOVH, rOVL; unsigned long ends=0,delta=0; uint32_t adc,radc; int main() { timer.start(); spi.format(8,0); spi.frequency(5000000); pc.baud(19200); cs = 1; wait_ms(300); // lets just do this forever while (1) { delta = timer.read_ms()-ends; if(delta > 75) { cs = 0; wait_us(737400); aByte[3] = spi.write(0xFF); aByte[2] = spi.write(0xFF); aByte[1] = spi.write(0xFF); aByte[0] = spi.write(0xFF); cs = 1; pc.printf("senByte3=== %u ", aByte[3]); pc.printf("senByte2=== %u ", aByte[2]); pc.printf("senByte1=== %u ", aByte[1]); pc.printf("senByte0=== %u\n", aByte[0]); rByte[3]=REVERSE_BITS(aByte[3]); rByte[2]=REVERSE_BITS(aByte[2]); rByte[1]=REVERSE_BITS(aByte[1]); rByte[0]=REVERSE_BITS(aByte[0]); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////// pc.printf("senByte3r=== %u ", rByte[3]); pc.printf("senByte2r=== %u ", rByte[2]); pc.printf("senByte1r=== %u ", rByte[1]); pc.printf("senByte0r=== %u\n ", rByte[0]); radc=(aByte[2]<<16) + (aByte[1]<<8) + aByte[0]; pc.printf("przedkonwerscji %d\n", radc); rOVL = ((aByte[2] & 0b10000000)); rOVH = ((aByte[2] & 0b01000000)); if(rOVH==1){ pc.printf("ovh=1\n");}; if(rOVL==1){ pc.printf("ovl =1\n");}; //will not touch the outgoing code. Leaves the last valid. if (rOVH && !rOVL) { aByte[2] &= 0b00111111; // clear both flags from byte when positive } if ((!rOVH && (aByte[2] & 0b00100000)) || rOVL ) //when OVH is not set and signed (21th) bit is set we have negative value { aByte[2] |= 0b11000000; //set remaining bits high aByte[3] =0xFF; //sets high order byte, value is then negative. } float calRAdevice1 = 13607; //stores the series resistor value //resistor of RTD const int RZero = 100; //resistance at 0°C radc=(aByte[2]<<16) + (aByte[1]<<8) + aByte[0]; pc.printf("po konwerscji %d\n", radc); float rRTD = calRAdevice1 * (radc / ( 2097152 - radc)); // pc.printf("kontrol 2 %f\n", rRTD); rRTD = (rRTD / RZero) - 1; // pc.printf("kontrol 3 %f\n", rRTD); float rtemperature = (rRTD * (255.8723 + rRTD * (9.6 + rRTD * 0.878))); char buffer[10]; sprintf (buffer, "%4.0f", rtemperature); pc.printf("temperatura %d\n", buffer); pc.printf("////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n"); // wait_ms(74); // wait_ms(1); //ends = timer.read_us(); } else { ends = timer.read_ms(); cs =1; } } } bool MCP3551_ready(void) { DigitalIn miso(D12); //int ALA= (D12); int end; if((timer.read_ms() - end)> 74) { cs = 0; wait_us(1); if(miso == 0) { return 1; } else { end = timer.read_ms(); cs =1; return 0; } } else return 0; } uint8_t REVERSE_BITS(uint8_t a) { static const uint8_t reverse_lookup[] = { 0, 8, 4, 12, 2, 10, 6, 14,1, 9, 5, 13,3, 11, 7, 15 }; //int a; a= ((reverse_lookup[(a & 0x0F)]) << 4) + reverse_lookup[((a & 0xF0) >> 4)]; return a; } uint8_t LsbMsb( uint8_t data) { uint8_t i,bit,buffer=0; for(i=0;i<8;i++) { bit = data & (1 << i); buffer = (buffer << 1) | bit; } return( buffer ); } //Funkcja zamiany kolejności bitów LSB <-> MSB unsigned char dd_zmien_kolejnosc_bitow(char a) { int i, c=0; for(i=0; i<8; i++) { if(a&(1<<i)) c |= (1<<7-i); } return c; }
Could you help me find a mistakes or might by somebody have good code to read MCP3551.