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8 years, 7 months ago.
Latest mbed lib causing issues with Nucleo F030
Blinky sketch doesn't work on latest revision (121), however it seems to be working fine if I switch to revision 101. Is this issue persistent among all other boards/microcontrollers? Will there be any fix for this in near future? Is there any workaround present right now other than switching to an older revision of mbed lib?
I am facing issues with other code examples (i2c for one) as well. In my opinion, it has something to do with timings as I see a flash in LED but the flash duration is very short as compared to the working code.
1 Answer
8 years, 7 months ago.
Hi Manish,
This was caused by incorrect definition for Nucleo F030 support for CAN which doesn't exist in the current mbed library builds. Future releases of the mbed library will support CAN as well.
Regardless, this should be now fixed. Please let me know if that's not the case.
Thank you for reporting this.
I checked again just right now. It's still broken. I am using the blinky sketch with minor modification - I am keeping On and Off cycles as 1 second each (as compared to 0.2s On). LED keeps glowing permanently if I use current revision (121). As soon as I switch to 101 revision, it appears to be working perfectly. I checked 3-4 times just to be sure :)
posted by 24 Jul 2016Update: I checked a few more revisions. I checked 115, 118 and 120 and these are working as well. However 121 (latest one) is still broken. Right now I am planning to work using 120 revision but please see if you can do something regarding this latest version. Thanks
posted by 24 Jul 2016I've just tried with 121 and Nucleo F030 ( and it works fine. Can you please recheck?
posted by 24 Jul 2016Hi Mihail. I retried and failed. However I found something which can't be explained logically. Please visit this link:
posted by 25 Jul 2016