11 years, 11 months ago.

Can I download the mbed development environment and build on my machine locally ?


I prefer to compile/build locally on my machine - that is not to use the online/web mbed development environment.

So would like to download the environment and use on my machine -in the old, traditional way, you can say!

Is that possible and allowed?

Thanks, Sean

2 Answers

11 years, 11 months ago.

Thank you Geert for that information. The is indeed a fine I believe, and maybe even the industry standard compiler for ARM

But how about all the libraries, community code. and similar that get called when the web based tool chain runs? These will not be available locally, unless the whole-complete mbed environment is downloadable, as far as I can see. Maybe am wrong in that however. Thats why I think would need the whole thing - mbed environment - not only the compiler.


Accepted Answer

Search for mbed SDK:
mbed Software Development Kit (SDK) is a C/C++ microcontroller software platform relied upon by tens of thousands of developers to build projects fast. We've worried about creating and testing startup code, C runtime, libraries and peripheral APIs, so you can worry about coding the smarts of your next product.

AFAIK you can not download the mbed online GUI.
So you have to use the environment of choice (Keil, CodeRed,...) and then use/add mbed librairies that you find in the SDK. (At least the required parts of) mbed librairies used in an online created project will show up in the export to Keil.

posted by Geert Hospers 26 Mar 2013

Thanks for that information Geert, I understand how it all fits together much better now.

Thanks for all your replies


posted by sean de grae 27 Mar 2013
11 years, 11 months ago.

IIRC mbed's compiler is the same as in Keil uVision MDK-ARM C/C++ Compiler.
You knew that you can export your mbed program directly to Keil uVision?
I tried it with LPC1768. That works like a charm!