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8 years, 5 months ago.
How to speed up data file transfer rate in WIZnet FTP?
Hello, I would like to transfer 2MB files to a FTP server from my SD card. The files are readings from a sensor in a text file. Currently the transfer rate is about 4.9KB/s. Initially it was only 1.3KB/s as buffer size is 256. Increased buffer size makes the speed up to 4.9BB/s.
Below is the piece of code from my program which is responsible for the file transfer.
#define MAX_SS 1024
case s_put: pc.printf("put waiting...\r\n"); sprintf(ftpfilename, "/sd/FTPClient/%s", gMsgBuf); ftpfile = fopen(ftpfilename, "r"); fseek(ftpfile, 0, SEEK_END); // seek to end of file remain_filesize = ftell(ftpfile); // get current file pointer fseek(ftpfile, 0, SEEK_SET); // seek back to beginning of file while(remain_filesize!=0) { memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); if(remain_filesize > MAX_SS) send_byte = MAX_SS; else send_byte = remain_filesize; fread (buf, 1, send_byte, ftpfile); FTP_DATA_SOCK.send(buf, send_byte); remain_filesize -= send_byte; pc.printf("#"); } fclose(ftpfile); gDataPutGetStart = false; FTPCommand.Second = s_nocmd; FTP_DATA_SOCK.close(); break;
After increasing buffer size makes my program to hang. Which way we can achieve the speeds uptp MB/s.