8 years, 6 months ago.

Non consistent behavior building an exported project offline

Hello, I have been trying the option of exporting and building an mbed application, that uses the mbed sdk and RTOS .

When I build the code with the online tools, the firmware behaves as expected.

I am able to export it into a GCC ARM project and build it using ARM embedded non-eabi (from https://launchpad.net/gcc-arm-embedded) , it builds but it doesn't seem to have the same performance as when I build with the online tools.

I have the doubt if the generated project has the same clock configuration and initialization as the online tool, or if the RTOS has a different performance depending on what tools you use to build it.

It would be helpful if somebody can help me with some tips on how to tune an offline build or point out what are the differences compared to the online build and how to get it working the same.


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