8 years, 7 months ago.

sim800L communication with STM32F334

I am trying to send AT command to stm32 but I am getting error while sending AT command

  1. include "mbed.h"
  2. include <string> Serial pc(SERIAL_TX, SERIAL_RX); pc comunication Serial SIM900(PA_9, PA_10); tx, rx SIM 900 string result; char x;

void clearString() { result.clear(); }

void controlAT() { clearString(); wait_ms(100); SIM900.printf("AT\r\n");

wait_ms(200); if(result=="\r\nOK\r\n") { pc.printf("\r\nOK AT\r\n"); }else { pc.printf(" ERROR AT "); this line is printing } pc.printf("%s",result.c_str()); }

void sendSMS() { pc.printf("\r\nsendSMS2\r\n"); clearString(); SIM900.printf("AT+CMGS="); SIM900.printf("\""); SIM900.printf("074xxxxx"); SIM900.printf("\""); SIM900.printf("\r"); wait_ms(200); SIM900.printf("Hello"); SIM900.printf("\r"); SIM900.putc(0x1A); wait_ms(200); pc.printf("%s",result.c_str()); clearString();


int main() {

pc.printf("\r\n GSM 900 TEST\n");

SIM900.baud(9600); wait_ms(200);

controlAT(); wait_ms(200); sendSMS(); SEND SMS wait_ms(200);


I am getting error in controlAT() function and it always printing pc.printf(" ERROR AT "); this is a error

Please help me to resolve this issue

Can anyone help me to resolve this issue

posted by gautam tripathi 17 Jun 2016
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