7 years, 10 months ago.

no program is working on this platform? Please help

No program is working on this plat form........I changed simple led program too for all three led's but no change. It doesnt blink. I am trying to connect a text LCD and buttons with the board but no output on LCD screen.

Question relating to:

Affordable and flexible platform to ease prototyping using a STM32L031K6T6 microcontroller.

Hello Mr. Simon, I cannot open the library file for debugging as it is in build form. So, I guess I have to wait for new release. Or please tell me how I can debug.

posted by jayendra mishra 06 Jun 2016

1 Answer

7 years, 10 months ago.


This is a bug in the mbed library release 121, you can find the correction there. The next release should be publish next week.

Accepted Answer



posted by jayendra mishra 06 Jun 2016

Hello Mr. Simon, I cannot open the library file for debugging as it is in build form. So, I guess I have to wait for new release. Or please tell me how I can debug.

posted by jayendra mishra 06 Jun 2016

You can use "mbed-dev" lib from the import wizard if you want to edit the files. Then you just have to change `extern volatile uint32_t SlaveCounter;` to `extern volatile uint16_t SlaveCounter;` in `mbed-dev/targets/cmsis/TARGET_STM/TARGET_STM32L0/TARGET_NUCLEO_L031K6/hal_tick.c`

posted by Simon V 06 Jun 2016

Hello Mr. Simon,

Thank you for your help. There is a serious issue though. I switched same program forn stm LPC152RE to lo136k6. I obsevered after some experiments on code that the stm lo136 keeps executing the program regardless of while, do while or simple statement ending. What I mean to say is, the execution doesnt stop if a while function is there or a statement end is there. Following is the link to my code which I posted to know the problem.


Now in this code the code should stop at line 198, unless any up down or delay button is pressed. Then it should remain in do while loop unless start interrupt is pressed. And then it should check for if conditions and execute the functions. This how the code was working in LPC152RE.

But in the case of L0136 it straight lcd shows READY, SET TIME and then jumps straight to if condition at line 239. Please let me know if I am doing something wrong or suggest me what should I do.

posted by jayendra mishra 08 Jun 2016