8 years, 1 month ago.

device.h missing from FRDM-K64F platform


I'm getting the following error when compiling my code for the FRDM-K64F: Error: Cannot open source input file "device.h": No such file or directory in "extras/mbed_7c328cabac7e/platform.h", Line: 21, Col: 21

Regards, Andrew

And the K22F platform.

posted by Jon Buckman 27 May 2016

2 Answers

8 years, 1 month ago.

Right mouse button on the mbed lib, update. You are using an outdated version (most likely).

That's not the solution. Thanks anyway Erik.

posted by Jon Buckman 28 May 2016

Ah my bad, generally thats the reason for that error, but seems they screwed up something else this time. Best solution is to use the revisions screen to go back to revision 119. That one should still work fine, 120 and 121 are bugged apparently.

posted by Erik - 28 May 2016

Thanks Erik.

posted by Jon Buckman 28 May 2016

Also, the adc is jacked on 121. 119 is okay.

posted by Jon Buckman 28 May 2016
8 years, 1 month ago.

It comes when you start a new program, but the just rool back to revision 119