8 years, 4 months ago.

The build system is under heavy load right now.

It seems that I can't compile atm. Constantly getting this:

Warning: The build system is under heavy load right now. Compiles may take longer than usual. Error: The build system task timed out.

When will this be fixed?

Now I'm getting failure 502

posted by Lois Koers 27 May 2016

Any response from the ARM/mbed team would be appreciated, are we likely to see this up and running again any time soon? is anyone working on it?

posted by simon king 27 May 2016

16 Answers

8 years, 4 months ago.

The same here, have been trying for half an hour. But no luck :(

8 years, 4 months ago.

Bump! got the same issues here.

8 years, 4 months ago.

Same here :(

8 years, 4 months ago.

And here :(

8 years, 4 months ago.

and also here :(

8 years, 4 months ago.

Is anyone from ARM/mbed actually looking at this?

yes, I'll find out more

posted by Martin Kojtal 27 May 2016
8 years, 4 months ago.

Bump ):

8 years, 4 months ago.

I don´t get silence from mbed. A simple statement on the website is enough but they don´t seem to care. Also check the 'service status' menu item in the footer - a joke !

we do care ! ;)

posted by Martin Kojtal 27 May 2016
8 years, 4 months ago.

nop :(

8 years, 4 months ago.

hello? I need compile de program...

Now I'm writting in arm mbed Facebook.

Hello. ERROR " This error ocurrs when the mbed Online Compiler cannot complete a compile request. This error shouldn't occur and it's a sign of an infraestructure problem that we are most probably fixing already"

I need compile a program for today/tomorrow!! Thanks to fix the problem quick.

PLEASE ARM MBED PEOPLE..............DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Some people work with your platform.


posted by Nicolas Camargo 27 May 2016
8 years, 4 months ago.


8 years, 4 months ago.

Same here!! working on my bachelor thesis and really need this program working. Shame on you MBED

8 years, 4 months ago.

quite frustrating. the platform is obviously not meant for 'serious prjects', but i thought it should be at least reliable in that most basic sense

8 years, 4 months ago.

OK, at least it's not me ATM.

This kind of outage and the fact that I work in the field (offline with no Internet) quite often is why I hate "cloud" stuff. LOL

8 years, 4 months ago.

The team are working on it right now. Hopefully there will be a fix soon. I'll update this thread when there is.

Sorry for the inconvenience!

Okay. I hope this fixed later today or tomorrow. Because I have to finish the product on Sunday.

Thank you so much for everything.

posted by xavier valverde 27 May 2016

At the moment, the compiler traffic is pointed at a different backend, so it seems to be building OK. There are occasional 502 errors on the site still, but I think you should be able to use the compiler.

posted by Joe Alderson 27 May 2016
6 years, 10 months ago.
