8 years, 7 months ago.

Installing MbedOS on STM32F103C8T6 Board v5.02 with segger JLink Debugger

Hi guys,

I am totally new to ARM programming, I have read about mbedOS and I h'd like to get started with it for some cools projects.

I have an STM32F103C8T6 Board v5.02 which has an on-board ARM-CORTEX M3 core and a SEGGER Jlink to interface it with a windows PC /media/uploads/omoniyi289/dsc_0524-1-.jpg .

Please how do I install the Mbed OS, in steps? Thanks!

1 Answer

7 years, 12 months ago.

If you are still interested in using mbed with your STM32F103C8T6 board then this demo might help you to get started. As you already possess a J-Link programmer/debugger you can use it for programming and debugging. Once you have compiled the demo with the online mbed IDE save the binary to your hard drive and then download it to the board using the J-Link tool. The offline IDE used in the demo - CooCox CoIDE - supports J-Link so you can use it to work offline as well.
NOTE: Since your board is a bit different than the one used in the demo, the LED on your board (if any) is most likely connected to different pin. Don't worry about that, if you provide more details about your board I'll help you with that.