8 years, 8 months ago.

Using own IDE instead of programming with MBED Compiler Online Tool

Currently I'm deal with the u-blox C027. So far I used the mbed compiler online tool to write and compile code for the platform, but I don't like the workflow to code inside this online tool.

Is it possible to use an own IDE and generate Binarys for the u-blox C027 straight from this IDE. If it is possible, which C/C++ Compiler should I use?

2 Answers

8 years, 6 months ago.

Yes, you can see the supported offline compilers by right clicking on your project and selecting 'export'. Each vendor ports different offline compilers but usually Keil, IAR and GCC/Make files are supported at a minnimum.

8 years, 6 months ago.

Have a look to to PlatformIO (platformio.org), it is an offline Tool which supports also your board and many IDEs. They have also an own IDE based on Atom.