8 years, 7 months ago.

Recover FRDM K64F

I've got an FRDM K64F and it's been working fine for weeks. However, today I couldn't mount it to the usb driver. When I hook it up, nothing happened. I started it up in bootloader mode and the USB drive came alive so I downloaded the latest firmware and restarted the device but with the same result.

There is a red led next to the reset button which I don't think was lit before (see image). Would this indicated some hardware failure?

Cheers Mikael /media/uploads/wmmihaa/img_0262.jpg

Thanks again Wim, (sorry for late reply)

I've tried installing other versions of the firmware. but the problems remain. The red LED is not lit when in bootloader mode.

I think the issue might be related to I could have accidentally deployed a non binary file. Is there a way to clear the flash drive?

posted by Mikael Hakansson 01 Jun 2016

1 Answer

8 years, 7 months ago.

Here is a link to someone that had similar problems and recovered by uploading a specific bin file.

Thank you Wim. The problem is that as I can't access the device using usb (unless it's in bootloader mode) I can't deploy a working binary such as the blinky sample... :(

posted by Mikael Hakansson 04 May 2016

The Red LED indicates that the SDA interface is keeping the target K64 in reset state. That is a probably an issue with the SDA interface and explains why you cant download a new binary. Just to be sure, check the small reset button, perhaps it is stuck. You could also temporarily remove the jumper on J25. When that doesnt help, try reflashing the mbed firmware but this time also try some older firmware versions. Is the Red LED also lit when you are in bootloader mode?

posted by Wim Huiskamp 04 May 2016