8 years, 10 months ago.

How to use HTTPClinet on LPC4088_DM working with emwin?

I want to use HTTPClinet on LPC4088_DM working with emwin? The function is pressing a button and then the LPC4088_DM as a HTTPClinet post something to the server, but it doesnt work. The HTTP return code is " 0 ".

Question relating to:

The mbed-enabled LPC4088 Display Module from Embedded Artists lets you get up-and-running immediately with your graphical user interface application. It is ready for integration!

1 Answer

8 years, 10 months ago.

I have no idea of which HTTPClient you are referring to but my suggestion is to

  1. Make sure that DM_BOARD_ETHERNET is enabled in dm_board_config.h
  2. Make sure that your HTTPClient is working without emWin
  3. Make sure that your emWin button is working without HTTPClient
  4. When all is working separately then try to combine it

Accepted Answer

The step 1 to 3 I've tried already, and all worked. But when I tried to combine them, it cloud'nt work. I don't know why.

posted by Wei Chang Shen 29 Apr 2016

I thought I found the problem. Now I want to ask the other question, how to change the MAC address by myself ?

posted by Wei Chang Shen 29 Apr 2016