8 years, 8 months ago.

Do I need mbed enabled board?

As in topic. Do I need board with some factory image of mbed (bootloader?) everywhere it is written about drag and drop to board over USB. Where can I start if I have bare custom F0discovery board? I've read about blinky example and as far as I know make.py generated bin file which is to be "draggedn and dropped" to mounting point. Can I convert it to hex and flash with stlink?

1 Answer

8 years, 8 months ago.

Yes, the mbed generated binaries just run directly on the MCU, there is no bootloader or something similar between. Only thing to take into account is that you should have an equal clock setup. (Actually STM ones should automatically find a clock. But if your board has a crystal with double the frequency of the board that is mbed supported, everything will run at double the speed, which in practise means most likely nothing will run).