8 years, 4 months ago.

EthernetInterface mbed_offical oddly need to be commited after an update all

I have a project that uses the mbed_official EthernetInterface library. It all works fine. However, whenever I do an Update all on my project and then try to publish my project, via the compile web interface, the publish asks me to first commit my changes to the Ethernet library. Since I didn't make any changes I find this odd. Note that my project includes other mbed_official libraries and none of them ask for commits.

My program was only created a week ago. The last revision of EthernetInterface was Feb 18.

This happens when I import my program into the compiler, immediately do an update all, and immediately publish.

Are you 100% sure you did not change any files in the library? Try removing and re-adding the library.

posted by Jan Jongboom 01 Apr 2016


posted by Tony Ercolano 05 Apr 2016
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