8 years, 9 months ago.

what is the difference between HRM1017 and TY51822r3 ?


I need to chose a development board for BLE, I have found the: HRM1017 and TY51822r3. They both have the SoC nRF51822. I don't know which one I should chose.

Can any one help me understand what makes the difference between both of them?

Thank you. Emna

2 Answers

8 years, 9 months ago.

Please refer following links.
mbed TY51822r3
mbed HRM1017

Difference :
1) Price
2) RAM size 32KB(TY) : 16KB(HRM)
3) Xtal 32MHz(TY) : 16MHz(HRM) -> System Clock is same as 16MHz
4) Xtal 32.768kHz(TY) : None(HRM)

Accepted Answer

Thank you. Is there any difference concerning power consumption? I have a strong constraint on that. I can provide a maximum of 130mW to the board. Is the TY51822r3 suitable for this?

posted by Emna Ben Ayed 30 Mar 2016
8 years, 9 months ago.

There are two big difference between HRM1017 and TY51822r3.

  • Harware revision
    *Current* HRM1017 using nRF51822 Revision 2, and TY51822r3 using Revision 3.
    Revision 2 chips are going to be discontinued, and also Softdevices are.
    Note: In the near future, HRM1017 will be also using Revision 3 chips.
  • The RAM capacity
    HRM1017 is 16kB RAM, and TY51822r3 is 32kB RAM.It allow us to use more working memory.

If you are starting new design, there are no reason to choose HRM1017. You should choose TY51822r3.

Thank you. Is there any difference concerning power consumption? I have a strong constraint on that. I can provide a maximum of 130mW to the board. Is the TY51822r3 suitable for this?

posted by Emna Ben Ayed 30 Mar 2016

Choice of 32 kHz clock source may affect power consumption. See: https://devzone.nordicsemi.com/question/5186/how-to-minimize-current-consumption-for-ble-application-on-nrf51822/

posted by Yoshihiro TSUBOI 30 Mar 2016