8 years, 9 months ago.

Can't export code to GCC


When I'm trying to export my code to GCC, mbed displays "Downloading file..." at the status line, but nothing happens. My platform is Dragonfly/STM32F411RE. I tried to reduce the program down to a single minimum file, with the same effect.


Can anyone help?

Best regards, Serge

Can you try in a different browser?

posted by Jan Jongboom 30 Mar 2016

I tried, same thing. It seems the bug is actually with export target, GCC (Code Sourcery). My platform (MTS Dragonfly) has GCC ARM target grayed out, but if I choose other platform, the export works to GCC ARM (which is actually what I need) but doesn't work to GCC Code Sourcery.

posted by Serge Kopikov 30 Mar 2016

1 Answer

8 years, 9 months ago.

GCC CS was deprecated, nad that F411 target did not even have it implemented as I recall.

What's the mbed lib revision?