8 years, 3 months ago.

i can´t program the 4078

I made a board with a LPC4078FBD100 this component is pin copmpatible with the lpc1768, but i can`t program the device. I changed the LPC4078 with a lpc1768 chip and programming works. I use an mbed NXP LPC1768 board as a programmer on ISP RESET TXD0 and RXD0. The error generated by the FLASH MAGIC soft is " failed to autobaud". Is it possible that there is no bootloader on it? How can I program the device?


The ISP bootlaoder is either in ROM, or in an area of flash that can not (easily) be erased, so it should be present.

its worth checking the User Guide again, some of the newer LPC parts have multiple ISP booloaders, and so you have to ensure that other pins are in the correct state when you deassert reset. For example, when the LPC11U24 enters into ISP mode, depending on the state of a another pin, it will either run the serial bootloader, or try to enumerate as a mass storage drive over USB. LPC1768 did havet his feature, an so only knows how to be a serial bootlaoder.

I'd also try running a terminal program rather than FlashMagic, so you can type in the commands and look for a response, From memory it all starts by sending a single "?" that should reply with "OK".

While this might be too late now you have your boards made, it might be worth looking the DAPlink project, which provides access to the Coresight DAP (debug access port) providing programming and debug connectivity over the CMSIS-DAP standard. The debug probes are open source design, and the code for them is in github, and most commercial tools now support CMSIS-DAP debug, or you can use pyDAPlink to drive the programming/debug interface from Python.

Hope this helps...

Cheers, Chris

posted by Chris Styles 29 Mar 2016
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