8 years, 9 months ago.

Taking FFT from mBed using LabVIEW

/media/uploads/groganmatt76/block_diagram.png Hi,

1) I'm trying to take FFT of an input sine wave from a signal generator, connected to the mBed through pin 19 and fed through to LabVIEW using the USB connection. I have a working volt-meter at the moment, but I'm trying to measure the signal quality and do power calculations!

I can make a program that takes FFT of a wave generated from LabVIEW but at the moment I cannot connect the output of the mBed (double) to the spectral measurements block(waveform) as they are incompatible, is there a way to do this?

2) After this, I'd like to input the voltage from a current sensor to another pin on the mBed and have LabVIEW take FFT of both these waves through serial simultaneously, however when I can't find a way to print both signals from the mBed and read them individually on LabVIEW.

/media/uploads/groganmatt76/mbed_code.png /media/uploads/groganmatt76/fft_from_sample_wave.png

can nobody help??

posted by matt grogan 19 Apr 2016
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