8 years, 3 months ago.

.bin file disappear after unplugging.


I am having some issues with the board. I am trying to run the blinky exemple but the LD1 stay red most of the time and the .bin file vanish when I remove the USB cable.

It is my first time with this board. I have installed the driver on my PC, updated the firmware with the software stLink v2 and I have created the bin file from mbed template C file and compiled it for NUCLEO-F401RE

Is it possible to do a recovery off the board?

Do you know what I am missing? The led was not red when I had installed the board and now I have the same problem with two same Nucleo développement board.

Question relating to:

Affordable and flexible platform to ease prototyping using a STM32F401RET6 microcontroller.

1 Answer

8 years, 3 months ago.

What do you mean by "the bin file vanish when I remove the USB cable"??

If what you mean is that once you program your board, disconnect the cable and then connect it again (if not how you would see the contents?) and the bin is gone, that is normal behavior I think. Your board is already programmed.

Accepted Answer

Some background: there's an extra chip on the board which runs CMSIS-DAP, which acts as a bridge between the Debug Access Port on the target chip and your computer. It uses USB-HID interface to make programming the target chip easier, that's why it shows up as mass storage device. However, that's fake, it's not a real USB drive :-) Thus files being put here will have disappeared next time you plug in the board.

posted by Jan Jongboom 26 Mar 2016