8 years, 2 months ago.

Bad program name result to fried board? (starting with underline)

I have been using the frdm-kl25z platform, and I found a strange bug possibly related to program name. Not sure if this problem only exist on this platform or others as well.

If you upload any program that has name start with _ (underline) e.g. _blinky, regardless the code, the green LED indicating communication status will kept on flashing nonstop until you unplug it. Simply pressing the reset button will not work.

And I suspect this bug might occasional destroy the chip, whether it's because of the bug itself or that you have to disconnect the board while the LED still flashing. I got 2 boards that the processor will heat up real fast that cannot be reused. (The funny thing is you still can upload files to it)

I'm not 100% sure if the bug is the culprit though, but the 2 dead boards both died while uploading a program starting with underline, while plugged onto my custom board. I only found out about the naming bug after cross debugging. I'm still investigating into further possibilities, but right now I would avoid naming a program starting with underline. (I did that to make the program stick onto the top of the program list)

Thanks for the heads up, i also use the kl25z. Never tryed to upload programs starting with an underline.

posted by Thiago . 26 Feb 2016
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