8 years, 10 months ago.

Issue with Timeout in past mbed revisions?


I am in a curious predicament. I am currently doing work with the BLE_API and NRF51822. I cannot update these two libraries because I seem to be running into memory issues with the HRM1017 when I do.

However, there is now another issue that I am experiencing that seems to be related to memory leaks(?) with the Timeout or Ticker functions in mbed revision 89. What happens is my application freezes after 420 calls to the Timeout (I need to write to the SD card at scheduled intervals). I cannot switch my revision to greater than 96, and I have just done so now.

Is it known if Timeout or Ticker were not behaving properly in past mbed revisions, and if this is the case, does anyone have suggestions for me given that I cannot update my BLE_API/NRF51822 libraries?

I dont recall when nrf51 ticker problems were fixed, please have a look at the history. You can find out on github or here when the ticker_api.c file for your target was changed the last time or better when there were those bugfixes.

How come you are having problems with memory issues? What did hcange since your current version? Where did it increase?

posted by Martin Kojtal 16 Feb 2016

1 Answer

8 years, 10 months ago.

There have been a bunch of bugs with that on the NRF51822 code.

I believe there is also an NRF51822 with more memory, or otherwise you will need to clean your code to make it smaller.