8 years, 10 months ago.

FRDM KL25Z DMX problem


i am trying for long time to adapt this DMX Code for the freescale frdm kl25 z microcontroller. I will use it for controlling ws2812b led light strpes.

I am receiving DMX DATA since the last update of this code and sometimes I can use this Datas to change the collors of the stripes....but it is only working in debug mode with keil uvision. It is not working if I use it without keil and out of Debug sessions. Maybe there is a problem with the Interrupt detection???

Has somebody else this Problem or is able to help?


Question relating to:

DMX512, RDM send/recv library http://mbed.org/users/okini3939/notebook/dmx512 Dimmer, DMX, DMX512, lighting, RDM
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