9 years, 6 months ago.

read values ?

Hi there Kuldip Maharjan.

I'm working on a project (studies) and i'd like to use a bluetooth communication. For taht i'm using a microchip RN4020 BLE module linked to my FREESACLE FRDM KL25Z.

I've used your code to do some tests and i can't read values that are sent from pc or window_app. I'm using Tera Term in order to see results in aterminal but nothing that is sent with this: pc.printf("\rsomething is there\n"); can be read by tera term.

Did you already have that kind of problem? or am i wrong with my tests?

thanks a lot.

Maximo L

Question relating to:

Simple program for getting message from bluetooth module and printing them on pc terminal

1 Answer

9 years, 6 months ago.

hey Maximo, I did this long time ago and I don't have access to any hardwares now. But I used a different bluetooth module which was very simple plug and play (not to low energy one). So first make sure you have setup your bluetooth module right since there are number of extra settings for lowenergy bluetooth modules these days. Also try adjusting the baud rate and stuffs. Also make sure the terminals work by sending signals from another mobile app etc if you can.

OK thanks a lot. Actualy i m juste trying to make a test without the low energy mode. I m using the minimum of possible wires(VDD, GND, RX,TX, WAKEHW). Like you say, i ll try with the baud rate,

posted by maximo loilo 22 Mar 2015