9 years, 12 months ago.

Why am i getting this error on FRDM 64 platform when i run the TCP server example?

Error: Too few arguments in invocation of macro "BW_MPU_CESR_VLD" in "EthernetInterface/lwip-eth/arch/TARGET_K64F/hardware_init_MK64F12.c", Line: 44, Col: 22

Question relating to:

Where did you import this program from? Please share the URL

posted by Sam Grove 12 Mar 2015

1 Answer

9 years, 12 months ago.

Make sure all libraries are the latest version, specifically EthernetInterface and the mbed library itself (right click on the library in the compiler, click update). That should fix it.

Erik, missing an answer for the question (why).

posted by Martin Kojtal 11 Mar 2015