9 years, 4 months ago.

How to ACK a USB Set_Report request on the control transfer pipe?

I am currently working with the USBDevice library by mbed, however I am having trouble acknowledging the Set_Report request.


As you see in the screenshot, the Set_report request doesn't succeed. However the Get_Report request works fine.

You can check out the code here (USBJoystick.cpp, USBDevice.cpp, USBHID.cpp) : https://github.com/VS-Wheel/VS-Wheel/tree/master/VSWheel

At the moment, EP0getReadResult allows me to read the correct data however the request still fails, so there is something missing in my opinion.

I don't know if I have to do any modifications in the USBDevice library or something else...

Does anybody know how to solve this?

Thank you, Alexander

That stack looks quite old in your github repo. There have been a lot of patches. Can you try the code from this repo? http://developer.mbed.org/users/mbed_official/code/USBDevice/graph

posted by Sam Grove 10 Mar 2015

I have already tried with the newest revision of the USBDevice library, didn't notice any difference. Would you have any other ideas?

posted by Alexander S 12 Mar 2015
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