9 years, 10 months ago.

[FIXED] No programs/libraries search results when using criteria

If I try to search on mbed online compiler, throw me no results everytime

As you can see on screenshots, I search for something appearing on first results page with negative response:

- Without criteria - /media/uploads/CieNTi/mbed-search-bug-001.png - With criteria - /media/uploads/CieNTi/mbed-search-bug-002.png

What is happening or how can I fix it?

Thanks in advance, CieNTi

edit: After a few hours this bug was fixed. Thanks!

Seems like some terms are not functional, dont see anything for usb, usbdevice, USBDevice, but ethernet ,mbed will show some results.

posted by Martin Kojtal 17 Feb 2015

1 Answer

9 years, 10 months ago.
