10 years ago.

Wiring up a Sainsmart 3.2" tft to FT Nucleo F401RE

Dear Fellow Developers,

I've spent a few hours googling round, but not yet found any useful solution. I know, it's possible (see the video embedded in ebay link). But I'm not going to destroy either the controller or the display. Here is what I have (forget the Arduino and the shield, just the 3.2 inch TFT is important): http://www.ebay.com/itm/SainSmart-Mega2560-3-2-TFT-LCD-Touch-Screen-SD-Reader-Shield-Kit-For-Arduino-/281080799433?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4171b8a0c9 And one of this: http://developer.mbed.org/platforms/ST-Nucleo-F401RE/

Finally. I bet that TFTLCD is a good point to start with as a library, but before the final wiring, I'm not going to test it (I've used UTFT many times in Arduino projects). http://developer.mbed.org/users/ttodorov/code/TFTLCD/docs/26491d710e72/classSSD1289__LCD.html#_details

Thanks in advance,


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