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8 years, 12 months ago. This question has been closed. Reason: Off Topic
export to atollic
has anyone here already figured out export to atollic truestudio? I'm sure it's do-able and am in the process of bumbling through, but would rather not have to bump through it if someone alredy knows exactly what to do...
I'm relatively new to mbed (have used mbed as a c++ library before, but just the library in CooCox*bleargh* IDE) and while I love the things the whole mbed system lets you do as a web ide, I am at a point with my current project where I would REALLY love to use the built in debugger hw in my FRDM-K64F board to trace a long convoluted set of imported library code.
Atollic is basically a commercial packaging of gnu tools and eclipse, but setup to just work when installed without stuffing about.... So using the generic instructions I got my mbed project importing into atollic trustudio as a makefile project, and basic compilation of project files, however seem to be having a problem with the linker phase?
As a side note - now that truestudio lite is free to use indefinitely and size unlimited, may be worth the mbed people looking a bit more seriously at it as a dedicated export target? Especially if you're not about to get web-ide in circuit debugging happening anytime soon (like TI have managed with their cloud version of Code Composer Studio...)
18 Answers
8 years, 12 months ago.
this is the first request for atollic IDE which I have seen here so far. It can be added, I would recommend looking at, which is currently not active (used by exporters in the online ide), but it can be set to active by any tool which it supports. There's no atollic support there, feel free to add it there.
There are tools to be added which are already on mbed, replace current exporters by progen.
The required skills are a bit of python and have a simple blinky atollic project (will be used as a template file, where progen injects data - sources/includes/macros/etc... ).
Exporters for mbed are here:
8 years, 5 months ago.
I'm also highly interested and so I zhink, will give that project exporter a chance.
8 years, 4 months ago.
Also of interest. Atollic's new subscription model makes it a reasonable choice for development and debugging.
8 years, 12 months ago.
Atollic (Eclipse IDE) was once very expensive. But since they have released a lite free version, it makes sense to use it for ST products. One can always use LPCXpresso (Eclipse IDE) for LPC parts, but not ST parts. The inexpensive Nucleo dev boards make ST an attractive alternative to LPC.
So I would second the request to export to Atollic.
8 years, 4 months ago.
in theese days Atollic TrueSTudio had released the Free 6.0 version, so it is very inportant create an official Export to Atollic
8 years, 2 months ago.
I like to use the Atollic TrueSTUDIO too. It is FREE with UNLIMITED code and basic DEBUG !!!
Interesting. I'm in the exact same boat. Fooling around with mbed using a Nucleo STM32f303k8 because I want to replace an Arduino Nano. Can't stand using online tools and i want a debugger so i did some searching and found Atollic which looks pretty good...if only I could get it to work with the exported mbed project!
posted by Glen Baker 27 Jan 2016hey all.. I ended up having some success with exporting to KDE, which is the manufacturer supplied IDE for the Kinetis family of arm processors... that was close enough to Atollic for my purposes... HOWEVER while this works great for small simple projects, with a large complex project (the microsoft azure Iothub client mbed k64f projects) the projects exhibited some pretty huge weirdness on local compiler, to the point where I think the online mbecd compiler is just not compatible with GCC. Having no real insight into the parameters of the mbed linker is a massive part of this, I suspect...
Anyway - getting back to the topic, apart from exporting/importing a makefile project the big bit of getting simple projects into atollic, is actually to go through and update the toolchain info to use the corresponding arm-atollic.. instead of arm-none... executables. As one thing atollic truestudio does compared to other eclipse/gcc toolchains is manage its very own private GCC toolchain for use by the projects.
posted by Julian Higginson 10 Aug 2016Seeing that atollic is now no longer an active concern to anyone except those using ST Microelectronics ARM processors, I guess this is much less of a compelling feature. thinking it should be closed... (and, well, if it was going to happen, I expect it would have by now)
posted by Julian Higginson 23 Feb 2019