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8 years, 11 months ago.
Overriding I2S clock configuration on stm32
I have found where the clocks are set up in system_stm32f4xx.c. Is it possible to override/overwrite these settings from the main loop in mbed? Or would I have to use the mbed-src library and edit this file?
void SystemCoreClockUpdate(void) { uint32_t tmp = 0, pllvco = 0, pllp = 2, pllsource = 0, pllm = 2; /* Get SYSCLK source -------------------------------------------------------*/ tmp = RCC->CFGR & RCC_CFGR_SWS; switch (tmp) { case 0x00: /* HSI used as system clock source */ SystemCoreClock = HSI_VALUE; break; case 0x04: /* HSE used as system clock source */ SystemCoreClock = HSE_VALUE; break; case 0x08: /* PLL used as system clock source */ /* PLL_VCO = (HSE_VALUE or HSI_VALUE / PLL_M) * PLL_N SYSCLK = PLL_VCO / PLL_P */ pllsource = (RCC->PLLCFGR & RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLSRC) >> 22; pllm = RCC->PLLCFGR & RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLM; if (pllsource != 0) { /* HSE used as PLL clock source */ pllvco = (HSE_VALUE / pllm) * ((RCC->PLLCFGR & RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLN) >> 6); } else { /* HSI used as PLL clock source */ pllvco = (HSI_VALUE / pllm) * ((RCC->PLLCFGR & RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLN) >> 6); } pllp = (((RCC->PLLCFGR & RCC_PLLCFGR_PLLP) >>16) + 1 ) *2; SystemCoreClock = pllvco/pllp; break; default: SystemCoreClock = HSI_VALUE; break; } /* Compute HCLK frequency --------------------------------------------------*/ /* Get HCLK prescaler */ tmp = AHBPrescTable[((RCC->CFGR & RCC_CFGR_HPRE) >> 4)]; /* HCLK frequency */ SystemCoreClock >>= tmp; }
1 Answer
8 years, 11 months ago.
I posted a question about this a little while ago. I was only able to fix/change this file by adding mbed-src to my project and editing it.