8 years, 11 months ago.

Can't Run Nucleo Without Debugging


Some background first: So I have STM32F303RET6. I was able to write some code to get my own version of an LED blink program to run in debugging mode. I am even able to set breakpoints and step through the code which is pretty sweet. When I try to flash the board with ST-Link software, the software told me it was successful in flashing but the LED never turns on.

Here's what I did:

- I can't remember exactly where I got the libraries from but they are a previous version of these: http://libopencm3.org/wiki/Main_Page.

- I'm using the open arm compiler from: https://launchpad.net/gcc-arm-embedded

- I have tried two different ways of downloading the program onto the board.

1. Using the Mac ST-Link: https://github.com/texane/stlink

2. On windows using the ST-Link utility (this may not be the right link but it was around here): http://www.st.com/web/en/catalog/tools/PF258168

I don't really know what else to do, any help would be nice.


What IDE are you using? Since you are debugging, I assume that you are not just using gcc-arm in the console. Most IDE's use the ST-Link driver on your machine to download your program.

If you have the ST-Link utility (i believe the link you have is correct) then it will ask you to connect with your device. If you successfully connect, but your program will still not run, then you likely have issues with configuring your device that is not showing up when you debug in simulation. In this case, you will need to provide a lot more information about your program before anyone can answer you problem. If you cannot connect, then you might not have the drivers installed correctly or at all.

Check out Stm32CubeMX, which let's you configure the board and generates all of the startup code that you need (using the HAL library), and you can export into a number of different IDE's. It seams like the STM32 HAL Library is similar to the libopencm3 one, in that it abstracts out things like setting gpios and peripherals, but for across manufacturers. THough to be honest this is the first time I have heard of that library. I've been taking the easy road! And less open one....

Also, note that while there may be people here that may be able to answer your question as it pertains to the nucleo board and configuring your controller, you would probably do better to seek out a forum on the website for ST, libopencm3, or whatever IDE you are using. Mbed is it's own IDE and library and independent from the tools and library you seems to be using.

In any case, I hope this helps.

posted by Paul Paterson 07 Jan 2016

Also, I don't know what your goals are, but if this is just a hobby project, then you could just switch over to using mbed, which is pretty darn easy to use. But you will still need to make sure that the ST-LINK drivers are up to date on your computer.

posted by Paul Paterson 07 Jan 2016

I'm using Eclipse as the IDE but I'm running the arm-gdb server as an external tool. Then Eclipse just connects to the open GDB port.

I am able to connect with the ST-Link utility and program the board but when I reset, the board is no better than a brick.

This is sort of for a personal project. It's more like a competition inside of work so I can't use the mbed IDE because I am using some proprietary code and can't put it up. I think I'm going to switch to a different board even though I really wanted to use an ARM based board just for the experience.

I'll give it one last shot with the Stm32Cube and see how that goes.


posted by Gabriel Velasco 07 Jan 2016
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