8 years, 7 months ago.

Global object destroyed when using rtos.h


I'm trying to do communication system between a mobil phone and a ST-Nucleo F303RE. If I don't use the RTOS library, all is OK. But when I include the RTOS library to run a second thread, using the same global objects that I'm using on the main thread, the global objects are destroyed and the system stops.

Why a global object (declared outside main) is destroyed when I'm using RTOS? I saw a lot of examples using global objects and they're working.

Probably the code helps a lot:

Import programprojecte_v3_rtos

Serial communication between a F303RE and a mobile phone using a HC-05 BT.

When I run this code, I can see in the serial monitor: "Constructora\n Destructora\n" and this strings are included in the Constructor and Destructor functions of "Pc" class. Why the object is destroyed if it's in the global scope? This not happens if I don't use RTOS lib.

Thanks a lot,


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