9 years ago.

Compile Error

hi i´m using pixel array library with an LPC1768 which is using this BurstSPI library. on compile i get Error: Expression must have class type in "PixelArray/BurstSPI/BurstSPI_LPC_X.cpp", Line: 6, Col: 14 Error: Expression must have class type in "PixelArray/BurstSPI/BurstSPI_LPC_X.cpp", Line: 9, Col: 6 Error: Expression must have class type in "PixelArray/BurstSPI/BurstSPI_LPC_X.cpp", Line: 14, Col: 14 Error: Expression must have class type in "PixelArray/BurstSPI/BurstSPI_LPC_X.cpp", Line: 16, Col: 18 Error: Expression must have class type in "PixelArray/BurstSPI/BurstSPI_LPC_X.cpp", Line: 17, Col: 22

its always error code 153 can someone help me please? thx

Question relating to:

Class to be able to send SPI data with almost no overhead, useful at very high speeds. high, Speed, SPI

BurstSPI itself compiles fine for me. Which program exactly is giving your problems?

posted by Erik - 05 Dec 2015

i´m trying with PixelArray Library

posted by Thomas Schwarz 06 Dec 2015
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