8 years, 8 months ago.

Ping/Pong demo code isn't working well ?

Hi Semtech,

I try to use your Ping/pong program with two Demo boards. Using STM32F401re. The two board seems to talk, but they alternate between "OnTxDone" and "OnRXTimeout" which indicate that they are sending the first Ping but no one receive and answer with the pong.

Maybe I've done something wrong, but I can't figure it out.

When I try to reboot one of the two cards, they alternate between OnTxDone and OnRxError, so they aren't receiving.

Have you got an idea of what could solve the problem, or what I've done wrong to have this hasardous comportment.

Thak you in advance,

Question relating to:

SX1276 Ping Pong FHSS Demo Application Lora, Semtech, SX1276, SX1276Lib, SX1276MB1xAS

1 Answer

8 years, 8 months ago.

Hi Matthiew, Have you changed any of the RF register settings from the original application? I will see if I can order the STM32F401re Nucleo boards and test next week so we are both on the same HW platform. Thx, Loren

Hi Loren, I've just put the Lora Shield on the boards and upload the same program on the two STM32F401re. I haven't change anything on the code. Thank you for your help

posted by Matthieu WENZEL 16 Nov 2015