9 years, 1 month ago.

Using mbed with KL26Z, no external crystal

I'm working with a custom board using the MKL26Z64, which has no complete mbed port yet, although there are some files related to this target on the mbed github. I want to use the mbed libraries offline (using Keil uVision) with this microcontroller, working without an external crystal. Any tips?

1 Answer

9 years, 1 month ago.

The MKL26Z64Vxx4 parts all are compatible with TARGET_KL26Z as long as your application fits within the flash.

The clocks get set up in libraries/mbed/targets/cmsis/TARGET_Freescale/TARGET_KLXX/TARGET_KL26Z/system_MKL26Z4.h. Options 0 and 2 will run from the on-chip fast reference, but run everything relatively slow. You might be able to create your own config and get the core running at 48MHz, but you still wouldn't be able to use USB.

Accepted Answer

Thank you, Andrew. Since I won't use USB, it should not a problem. I managed to successfully build the project for the KL26Z target. I'm now working on making it possible to export a project to uVision. Tomorrow I'm going to test it on hardware to see if everything works.

posted by Gustavo Leal 12 Nov 2015