8 years, 8 months ago.

Filtering for CANnucleo

G'day there, i was just wondering wether anyone has got the filtering working with the CANnucleo library?

Every time i try implementing the filter it returns 0 and there is no filtering. The rx/tx still works, just not the filtering.

Thanks in advance for anyone with any tips.

Question relating to:

Controller Area Network library for NUCLEO boards equipped with CAN peripheral. CAN, can bus, CAN Nucleo, canbus, CANbus Nucleo, Controller Area Network, Nucleo

1 Answer

8 years, 8 months ago.

Hi, I have put into the source code some hints and an example explaining how to set-up a filter .



Thanks so much for the comments, its working perfectly now. Really appreciated!

posted by Daniel Hancock 31 Oct 2015